
Mods for fallout 4 for ps4
Mods for fallout 4 for ps4

mods for fallout 4 for ps4

June came and passed and it’s now early September and Xbox 1 users are now reveling in mods for the game while it seems PS4 users have been left out in the rain and may never actually see mods at all and according to Bethesda, it’s not on their behalf. It was exciting news for console users as the range of mods that had been available for PC versions of most Fallout games, that included everything from texture improvements, new settlement build items, body modifications, new hair textures, outfits, weapons – even changing seasons….were finally coming to consoles and would virtually make the experience of Fallout a brand new one that would look as however we determined it to. The official word from Bethesda was that June 2016 will see, for the first time ever, official mods coming to PlayStation 4 and Xbox 1 users playing Fallout 4.

mods for fallout 4 for ps4

PS4 owners currently playing Bethesda’s Fallout 4 (including myself) have been patiently waiting since its release back in November 2015 for any news of mod support coming to fruition for their console versions of the game. “Zella’s Dyed Wigs” are just one of many mods currently available for Fallout 4 on PC and XBox 1

Mods for fallout 4 for ps4